Flat Roof Renovation

the Flat Roof renovation is complete!

On January 8th 2024, the team from Integral Roofing commenced work on the flat roof at St John’s Church, Westwood Coventry. Three weeks into the project, everything was progressing well. The skylights and roof lantern had been removed, the structural deck was being replaced and the first layers of insulation had gone down.

By February 5th, the additional insulation covered over 80% of the roof, with the final felt covering half of that area.  A new boiler flu was also fitted.

The glass in a window at the rear of the church was removed so that a new sill could be fitted before the restored window is returned.

Permission to improve the water management off the porch has been approved by the diocese, so the entrance to the church will be water free from completion of the works.

At the end of February, we were thrilled that the roof lantern was refitted in the welcome area, especially on sunny days like today.

Work on the roof itself has now been completed. The glass in the church window has been fitted, stone sill installed and scaffolding has come down. Most importantly, leaks have all stopped and the Welcome Area look so much better now the water-damaged ceiling tiles have been replaced. The porch area is also dry and is about to be redecorated.

This has all been possible because of the grant given by FCC Communities Foundation. We are so thankful for their support and appreciate how much it already has and will continue to positively impact the life of our church and community.